Quartermile Blog - House Rules



House rules have been established for Quartermile’s Q360 blog, to ensure readers get the most out of the content. We welcome your comments, but please make sure they fulfil the house rules below:


Names may be failed if they contain:

- Email addresses or websites
- Swear words or offensive language
- Any contact information


We reserve the right to fail comments which:

- Are offensive in any way (sexist, racist, homophobic, sexually explicit or otherwise objectionable)
- Contain swear words that could offend
- Break the law or condone unlawful behaviour
- Are considered likely to provoke, attack, or offend others.
- Are considered harassing or threatening to others
- Use provocative language intended to stir others (trolling)
- Attempt to impersonate somebody
- Advertise products for profit or gain
- Include any contact details whatsoever (phone numbers, email and postal addresses)
- Are not written in English
- Contain links to external websites for profit or gain or are offensive
- Are considered to be ‘spam’
- Are considered ‘off topic’ for the blog discussion
- Contain links to personal websites or forums
- Are surveys or questionnaires
- Contain links to commercial websites that exist to sell products
- Contain websites that require payment to access
- Contain websites that initiate a file download.

Note: If it’s relevant to the blog debate, it is fine to provide a link to a website that sells an album or book if it’s helping another user or recommending something they would like. However, posting links to your own products to drive buyers to your site may result in your post being removed.


What is moderation?

Blog comments are monitored by a team at Quartermile who ensure comments fulfil the house rules above. If your comment does not comply with the house rules, it will be removed.